Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Baby Mimi!

Wow! How fast these past few months have flown by. Maybe because I know you are the last baby, or maybe just because we are getting so dang old, but these days are going by FAR too quickly for my liking. You still haven't even thought about rolling over yet, which is just fine by me. Stay small and sweet, with your chubby legs and delicious cheeks. All too soon you will be running away from me, so eager to show your independence and abilities. I have two shining examples of that already.

I know that you are your own person. Cautious about who you let into your little world, content to be entertained by those already in your special circle. But I still wonder which one of your sisters you will be like. Will you be mischevious and hilarious like Tess? Needy and demanding, but able to sell it with a smile? Or will you be crafty, creative and demand to be the center of attention like Annabelle? Maybe you will be like your mommy and love to laugh? Or like your Dad and be easy to please? I am sure whomever you turn out to be it will be a delight to just be around you.

I can't believe that in a few short months you will be crawling, then walking, probably by your 1st birthday. How can that be? It feels like just yesterday, this was the little one I was holding:

Every day I have to remind myself not to get too caught up in the daily grind, to stop and enjoy your yummy giggles, and unexpected smiles. It won't be for much longer that your grin is toothless.

Happy 6 months to you, my sweet, sweet girl. Along with Annabelle and Tessa, you truly are a miracle baby. Every scare and stress we have been thru with you has been absolutely worth it. You deserve the world, and there is no doubt in my mind that you will conquer it. With an attitude and a face like this, how could you not?

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